Taxation for Business Owners

Taxation for Business Owners

Taxation should be examined as a whole in businesses owned by a natural person and in family businesses.  The goal of tax optimisation is to avoid double taxation and keep the overall tax burden as small as possible. The taxation of a business owner can be planned over the short term and the long term.

Our tax services for business owners help you and those close to you manage your taxation appropriately and systematically over the long term. Your taxation will be harmonised by combining your business operations with your personal goals and the goals of your family. Our experts can prepare calculations to identify the optimal solutions in terms of your taxation and that of your business.


Our services for business owners cover:

  • Business restructuring and acquisitions
  • Business arrangements
  • Changes of generation
  • Optimisation of your personal and business taxation
  • Issues related to inheritance and gift taxation


Private client tax services

Through our International Private Client Services Centre of Excellence we ensure that you get the best tax advice no matter where you live or invest your money. We provide tax advice and planning to a wide range of individuals, such as entertainers, athletes, entrepreneurs, and executives and their families. Our private client professionals from around the world work together to ensure you get timely, seamless service.

Our international private client tax team provides a complete range of tax services to individuals, including:

  • Tax planning related to moving to other countries
  • Advice on investing money effectively around the globe
  • Estate and gift tax planning
  • Advice on investing in real estate in other jurisdiction
    To find out more about Private Client Services at BDO, view our introductory video here.


Common Reporting Standard

For some countries, the Common Reporting Standard (CRS) is now in place.

It is the new global standard for the automatic exchange of taxpayer information. Approximately 80 jurisdictions have signed up so far, with the early adopter countries exchanging information in 2017.

Under the CRS, cross-border private client investments will be reported to tax authorities around the world on an unprecedented scale. It means transparency of wealth holding structures as never before.

Click here to view our brochure on Tax Transparency.


Katrin Rehemägi

Head of Tax & Legal Services
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Mari Stamberg

Tax and Legal Services Manager
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