Filing Tax Returns

Filing Tax Returns

We prepare and file your tax returns in accordance with the local legislation. Tax returns are submitted electronically through the e-service of the Tax and Customs Board.

  • Value added tax returns shall be submitted to the tax authority by the 20th day of the month following the taxable period.
  • Resident legal person and non-resident legal person which has a permanent establishment in Estonia are required to submit a tax return regarding the taxable distributions concerning the previous calendar month to the Tax and Customs Board by the 10th day of the calendar month following the period of taxation.
  • A resident natural person is required to submit an income tax return to the Tax and Customs Board concerning the income of a period of taxation not later than by 30 April of the year following the period of taxation.
  • A non-resident natural person is required to submit an income tax return concerning the gains derived during the calendar year and subject to taxation not later than by 30 April of the following year. In the case of transfer of an immovable, the income tax return shall be submitted after receiving the gains.

Katrin Rehemägi

Head of Tax & Legal Services
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Mari Stamberg

Tax and Legal Services Manager
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