Local & Global IFRS Competence

Local & Global IFRS Competence

Many companies and other entities prepare their financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). For example, in Estonia IFRS is the mandatory reporting framework for listed companies, credit institutions, insurers, financial and mixed financial holding companies and investment entities.


BDO global IFRS resources and local IFRS champions

BDO’s global International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) group produces a range of publications and reference materials for clients and staff to keep up to date with the latest developments.

Our IFRS working group is our global committee which is responsible for setting IFRS policy for our global network. It is tasked with developing tools and guidance relating to International Financial Reporting Standards, and preparing comment letters to the IASB on issues of significance, with the aim of ensuring consistent interpretation of IFRS across the network.

Local BDO member firms appoint their IFRS champions who are responsible for sharing and developing IFRS knowledge and communicating with other BDO offices and the BDO global IFRS group. At our office, the BDO IFRS champions are Laile Kaasik and Sven Siling.

We can assist you with:

  • IFRS reporting;
  • technical issues;
  • first-time adoption of IFRS;
  • Estonian financial reprorting standard and IFRS reconciliations.

In addition, we can offer specialized and tailor-made engagements on IFRS-related matters.

We are pleased to share with you informative videos about changes in IFRS. Please find the videos below.


Mariliis Anton

Partner, Head of Audit & Assurance Services, Certified Public Accountant, Certified Public Sector Accountant
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Sven Siling

Partner, Audit & Assurance Services, Certified Public Accountant, Certified Public Sector Accountant
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