Audit and Review of Financial Statements

Audit and Review of Financial Statements

Whether your organization is just starting out or operating on the local or international stage, BDO can deliver independent assurance engagements that deliver benefits beyond the traditional scope. We work with you to ensure you meet your statutory obligations in a non-onerous way.

Using our leading-edge audit methodology we conduct independent financial statement audits and reviews that deliver comprehensive and efficient outcomes – regardless of your entity’s size, operations, location or sector.

Our specialists use their knowledge and experience to help sort through any financial reporting, accounting or tax issues you face. We also proactively identify business improvements and possible areas of risk.

We also contribute to the development of the Estonian auditing industry. For example, Sven Siling, one of our audit partners, is a member of the management board of the Estonian Association of Auditors and chairman of its Methodology Committee.


Certified private and public sector audit professionals

Since audit and assurance services can only be provided by certified professionals, we make sure that we have enough certified as well as junior staff and invest in their growth and development.

We have a sufficient number of dedicated certified public accountants most of whom are also certified public sector auditors, which is a prerequisite for delivering audit and assurance services to Estonian public sector entities.   


Universal audit process tool

BDO uses the universal Audit Process Tool (APT) to perform audit and review procedures, taking into consideration the local statutory requirements. Thanks to the uniform methodology, we all speak the same language regardless of where we are in the world.

We provide a wide range of audit and review services to the private and public sector, including audits and reviews of:

  • financial statements prepared in accordance with Estonian financial reporting standard or International Financial Reporting Standards;
  • group reporting packages (special purpose financial information) prepared in accordance with the group’s accounting policies;
  • single financial statements and specific elements, accounts or items of a financial statement.

We can also assist you with non-statutory audits and other reviews based on specific requirements.


Mariliis Anton

Partner, Head of Audit & Assurance Services, Certified Public Accountant, Certified Public Sector Accountant
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Sven Siling

Partner, Audit & Assurance Services, Certified Public Accountant, Certified Public Sector Accountant
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