Accounting Advisory Services

Accounting Advisory Services

Every entity faces a financial reporting or accounting issue at some point when preparing their financial reports. In these situations, expert advice underpinned by an in-depth understanding of Estonian financial reporting standard or International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) is crucial.

BDO’s professionals are experts in interpreting the requirements of both. We can advise you on the application and interpretation of accounting standards in the private and public sector and help to resolve more complex accounting problems.

With BDO’s financial reporting advisory services, you can access:

  • accounting advice on the application of Estonian financial reporting standard or IFRS;
  • training on specific accounting matters;
  • relevant materials and tools (e.g. checklists, etc.).

Our technical experts invest heavily in remaining up to date with the application of accounting standards, allowing us to go beyond simply providing financial reporting advisory services.


Issues & trends

Businesses and organizations today face an ever-expanding range of accounting issues. BDO continually explores the financial reporting landscape to identify those that matter most. We’ve compiled these resources based on our findings to help you learn more about key audit issues, accounting and regulatory changes, and how they may affect your entity.


Sven Siling

Partner, Audit & Assurance Services, Certified Public Accountant, Certified Public Sector Accountant
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Mariliis Anton

Partner, Head of Audit & Assurance Services, Certified Public Accountant, Certified Public Sector Accountant
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Irja Pärn

Audit & Assurance Services Director, Certified Public Accountant
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