Leadership program

Leadership program

Management is an occupation with specific skills like any other. Few are born great leaders. Fortunately, it is possible to develop and learn the necessary competencies and skills. In order for the leadership program to be bigger, the manager would be able to make informed choices between different tools, which in turn would allow for better decisions and results.
For leadership development, we provide in-house manager training to ensure the right management skills and consistent practices for your business. The exact focus of the training of managers depends on the existing competencies and skills of the company’s managers and the goals and needs of the company.
As a personal development program for managers, it is also effective to use mentoring/coaching, where the personal development of the manager is dealt with.
Classic duties of a manager are the following:
  • To maintain and grow team performance, set goals
  • To manage change and adaptation
  •  To create a sustainable and professional team
  • To ensure effective communication with clients, partners, team members, and others.
To do this, the manager must be able:
  • To build trust
  • To set goals and ensure that they are achieved
  • To provide feedback, motivate, and delegate
  • To ensure communication and hold effective meetings
  • To plan activities to achieve goals
  • To lead and motivate yourself (self-management).
Anu P

Anu Prandi

Strategic Organizational Development and Talent Management Leader
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Terje Kaasik

Partner, Head of Payroll & Reporting Services
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