

The retail landscape is evolving rapidly. New technology, new sales channels, consumers with different demands, shopping habits and cautious confidence levels present both challenges and opportunities. Retailers ready to innovate and adapt to new ways of attracting customers will do well but keeping pace with the changes can be difficult without the right help.

It’s our job to stay on top of changes in the fast-paced retail sectorAt BDO, we can help you embrace these opportunities and address the challenges. Using the combined knowledge and experience of our staff and partners, we can provide tailored audit, tax and advisory services that go beyond traditional retail consulting to give you access to cutting-edge daily data and analytics.


Karoliina Treter

Partner, Head of Accounting and Reporting Services
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Mariliis Anton

Partner, Head of Audit & Assurance Services, Certified Public Accountant, Certified Public Sector Accountant
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Terje Kaasik

Partner, Head of Payroll & Reporting Services
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